You’ve created a profile overview, filled the required spaces, and submitted a suitable proposal – Questions and Answers for Upwork Proposal and Interviews

The client was impressed with your proposal and profile, so he decided to call for an interview. 

This is the stage most freelancers miss. 

They are unaware of common Upwork questions and answers that clients ask during the interview, or they may not have realized that giving the correct answer is an essential step to getting jobs on Upwork.

My advice is to search for more questions and answers on the Upwork proposal

Don’t be like the “copy and paste” type of freelancers who copy and paste answers without understanding the intent of the questions.

Questions and Answers of Upwork Proposal/Interview

This can come in handy during the screening question section. 

If you fail to prepare, then you are preparing for failure. 

Question 1: Have you done any project similar to this in your work career that has prepared you for this job?

Ans. One of your job requirements is for the project to be executed by an experienced freelancer, and an experienced freelancer is someone who has done similar jobs. When you look at my portfolio of completed work, you will find many similar projects.

Question 2: What input can you give to make this project a reality? 

Ans. Before now, I had carefully gone through the job requirements and figured out what could go wrong. But the one thing I know for sure is this; when you continue to update your strategy using current methods and technologies, this project will come to reality. So one of the things I figured you are trying to achieve is to reach a larger audience. This can come to be when you create more awareness on various social media and other necessary platforms. 

Question 3: What do you like most about this project? 

Ans. Two things give me joy about this project. The first is that it falls entirely under my area of expertise. While I sometimes struggle with parts of some other projects, this one is entirely different because I have done every bit of it several times. Nothing strange about the project. The second is, I see it was a way of giving a client maximum job satisfaction which can make you rehire me in the future. 

Question 4: Is any part of the job unclear to you?

Your job description is well detailed and self-explanatory. Either way, if I need more clarification about some things during execution, I will get in touch to discuss any change in modalities. 

Question 5: Is there any challenging part of the project you are most experienced in?

Ans. Everything about the project is challenging. I’ve come to know that every project comes with its challenge. No two projects are precisely similar. Besides, the world has become much more competitive with people trying to get their products or whatever they have to offer to a larger audience. This competitiveness has made the knowledge of SEO very crucial to getting visibility on search engines. So my SEO experts will get you a ranking on search engines. 

Question 6: Why do you consider yourself the best person for this job?

Ans. After going through all the skills and requirements needed to complete this job successfully, I realized that everything falls into my area of expertise. I have done part of the project at least twice during my five years of working career. This further gave me the confidence that I am the best man for this job. 

Question 7: Which aspect of the project will take your time the most to complete? 

Ans. With my use of the latest techniques and my five years of working experience, I believe I have the edge over any competition, and I firmly believe the project will come to be in the shortest possible time. 

Question 8: Among the required skills, which do you feel strongest at? 

Ans. My five years of working experience have taught me so many things. I’m incredibly confident that I will deliver your job beyond expectations. 

Question 9: What motivated you to apply for this job? 

Ans. Since I have not only the required skills but also the experience in carrying out similar jobs, I felt this must be the perfect job for me. You will never regret hiring me for this job if you eventually hire me. 

Question 10: Why should I hire you? 

Ans. If you check my portfolio, you will see Jobs that are similar to yours in my completed work. However, I not only have the required skills, but my experience over the years has also taught me a lot. And I believe clients like to hire freelancers who have to tread a particular course. This is why I am the best to do this job. 

Question 11: Why should you be chosen over the 100 that have also applied? 

Ans. As the world is a competitive place, so is work. This is why you find several freelancers trying to get a particular job by claiming they know the ins and out. I am different because one of my main focuses is to build long-term relationships with my clients, which can only be achieved by doing a good job. I am sure you will not want to maintain a relationship with someone who did a poor job for you. I believe in building relationships, and I believe in helping people succeed at what they do.

Question 12: What can you bring to the table that someone else cannot? 

I can only speak for myself in this case because I don’t know what other freelancers might have in store unless those I’ve worked with. People will have different methods of doing the same thing, but I can assure you that my plans will make you want to hire me again. 

Question 13: How long do you need to complete this task? 

Ans. Since time is a significant factor in everything, I am confident that I can deliver the work earlier than your scheduled date. 

Question 14: What do you find most important from a client or company you work for? 

Ans. Every freelancer’s goal is to satisfy their clients by doing a good job, which means a high possibility of being rehired and more money. But experience has shown that very few clients (boss) care about freelancers or workers’ satisfaction. Good behavior, a friendly approach, and timely payment are considered important to freelancers or workers.

Question 15: How long do you think it will take to achieve a high Google ranking? 

Competition is everywhere, especially when different people try to sell the same product. Visibility on search engines like Google is essential when gaining an edge over competitors. The larger the audience, the more chances for a higher sales amount. Over the years, my experience with SEO optimization has seen lots of web pages ranking at the top of Google Search within the shortest possible time. I believe yours can also be achieved within the shortest possible time, or even faster. 

Question 16: How soon can your efforts start yielding results, and how will your time be spent working on this project? 

Ans. With my working experience over the years, I can guarantee positive results within the shortest time possible. I work more than 8 hours every day, and you will get briefed on each progress or milestone reached.

Question 17: Do you have any experience with back-linking in the past? If so, mention the sites you use?

Ans. My working experience and portfolio also include completed work on back-linking, which ranked several sites. Feel free to check my portfolio for more details (you can drop links here).

Question 18: What is your level of English Proficiency? 

Ans. Despite being my second language, I read, write, and understand English to a reasonable standard. All my previous projects are in English, so you are assured that I clearly understood your requirements, and communication problem is not a thing to worry about. 

Question 19: How do you intend to increase my website ranking?

Ans. One of the most vital areas of competition in the webspace is the issue of ranking high on search engines. As technology and techniques grow, so does the competition, especially in the areas dealing with marketing. Marketing is a very competitive area, and being the pro Marketer that I am, knowing what I am doing is considered an understatement. I don’t believe in taking shortcuts. So I always do what needs to be done.

Question 20: How long will it take you to rank a website on Google? 

Ans. SEO follows the law of process, which means you can’t rank high overnight, but it can be achieved within the shortest possible time by doing the right thing. 6 to 12 months will do for an estimate 

Question 22: How will you market a new product with $0 as a yearly budget? 

This is an essential question because many uncertainties surround the development when a product is being pushed out there for the first time. One main concern is the issue of finance. When finance is low or unavailable, the product still needs to be marketed. The ways to achieve this are by:
· Social media communities 
· Affiliate marketing 
· Incentivize users to share by giving a certain percentage for each sale 
· Through friends and family 
· Through the use of co-workers at work 
· Sell in person 

Question 23: What’s your favorite brand, and why do you like their marketing approach? 

Ans. Nike. Once a marketing strategy is geared towards fulfilling customer demands, there will undoubtedly be growth, which is what Nike does very well. They know what customers want, and their popularity grows with each day. So their excellent product delivery is another aspect that drives growth. 

Question 24: Have you done any job on copywriting in the past? 

Ans. If you review my portfolio, you will find many projects on copywriting.

Question 25: Is your bachelor’s degree in Journalism or English literature?

Ans. You can answer by writing, “I have the required degree,” but if you don’t, you can most likely present other details like some online courses and seminars you’ve attended that better prepare you for this job.

Question 26: Do you have samples of citations you’ve claimed in the past?

Ans. These are business listing, business posting, directory listing, etc. If you’ve done any, kindly list the tasks here. 

Question 27: Have you developed any websites in the past?

Ans. If you review my portfolio of work history, I listed several websites that I have developed over the years (include a shortlist of websites here)

Question 28: Have you taken any Upwork tests relevant to this job?

Ans. Yes. Taking the Upwork test is very important for a high job success score, top-rated status, and getting more jobs on Upwork, which can be seen clearly on my profile. I performed very well in the skill tests I have taken. 

In Conclusion on Questions and Answers for Upwork Proposal and Interviews

Like I said at the beginning of the piece, you will do yourself a great favor by searching for additional questions and answers. It’s essential to know how to answer questions while submitting a proposal or even interview questions. Failure to plan is planning to fail. 

Stay tuned for our next money-making piece, and I leave by saying: bye for now. 


I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.


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