Your LinkedIn profile says a lot about you and your brand. It is what most LinkedIn users check first to decide whether to connect with you or not. The LinkedIn Featured Section is an essential part of your LinkedIn profile. And you must know how best to use it to grow your connections and generate more leads.

The Featured Section on your LinkedIn profile is where you show your target audience featured content such as articles, posts, documents, photos, and links. It is a great tool that you can use to showcase your pieces of work. It is an avenue where you introduce your brand to potential connections.

Whether you own a business or are just a job seeker, using the LinkedIn Featured section appropriately is the best way to showcase your professionalism on the platform.

I’ll show you how to best use the LinkedIn featured section in this article. You’ll learn the best practices that will give you a competitive advantage.

The LinkedIn featured section is a space in your LinkedIn profile where you can showcase work samples and publications. It provides a window to your profile, where prospects can see the best of your content.

Due to its importance, the LinkedIn feature section remains a critical area to optimize in your profile. Even if someone just glances through your LinkedIn profile, there’s no way they won’t see the featured section. 

This is because the featured section displays previously shared items in thumbnails. It’s hard to miss, so you have to use it to your advantage. You should post content that mainly represents your professional identity.

LinkedIn Featured Section and the Activity Feed 

Many often mistake the featured section with the activity feed on their LinkedIn profile. They are both different. The featured section lets you post your best content and select what you want people to see.

On the other hand, the activity feed highlights all your LinkedIn activities in the last 45 days. It displays your shared posts, articles, comments, and likes, starting with the most recent. When enabled, you can find the activity feed under your dashboard or below the featured section.

How to Add Content to the LinkedIn Featured Section

If you logged into your LinkedIn account from your PC, here’s how to add content to your featured section.

1. Go to the ‘Me’ icon at the top right of your LinkedIn feed 

2. Scroll to the featured section on your LinkedIn profile

3. Click on the ‘+’ sign to choose whether you want to feature an article, photos, documents, presentations, or eternal links.

And if you’re using your mobile device,

1. Go to the featured section on your LinkedIn profile

2. Click on the blue pencil icon

3. You’ll see the new content you recently added in your Featured section.

4. Re-order the content as you desire

Ordering Your Featured Content

By default, newly featured content appears top of the featured section.  But it is up to you to decide what you want people to see when they view your LinkedIn profile. You can change the order in which your featured content appears. 

You can re-order your featured content to suit the prevailing circumstances. For instance, if you have previously written an article about a trending topic, you can move it to the top of your featured section to generate more engagement.  

Also, you can decide who you want to see your featured content. You have the absolute power to control what appears on and who can view your LinkedIn Featured Section. The content you feature doesn’t necessarily have to be your own. They can be articles, documents, blog posts, or newsletters that others in your organization have authored.

To re-order your featured content, look for the three parallel lines in the Featured section. Then click on it and scroll up or down to adjust the order of your featured content. The privacy settings you’ve applied to your LinkedIn profile will also apply to the content in the featured section.

You should treat the LinkedIn Featured Section as a way to personalize your profile and showcase your professional identity. 

What You Should Add to Your LinkedIn Featured Section

There are four types of content you should add to your featured section. These are articles, posts, links, and media.

1. LinkedIn Articles – These are articles you’ve published through LinkedIn publishing. 

2. LinkedIn Posts – These include all the content/blog posts you’ve published on LinkedIn

3. Links – You can add links that lead outside of LinkedIn. These can be links to websites, landing pages, blogs, or any of your other publications.

4. Media / Documents – These include videos, photos, presentations, PDF or DOC files 

Adding high-performing content to your Featured section will not only attract more traction to your LinkedIn profile. It’ll also drive more traffic to them, giving you lots of engagement and leads generation. 

Use the LinkedIn Featured Section to showcase your professional identity and let people know your worth.


Shalom is an experienced freelancer and author who writes about her experiences and offers practical advice on the Busy Earner blog.


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