8 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Applying To Any Gig On Upwork.

We all know Upwork is top tier regarding freelancing websites we have in the world.

It is considered the best freelancing platform that connects employers with freelancers and has over 10 million registered users.

This incredible freelancing platform offers a wide variety of services to its clients. The services offered include:

  • Video production
  • Web design
  • SEO
  • Marketing
  • Social media managing
  • Graphic design
  • Programming
  • Software development
  • Literature/editing/writing
  • Copywriting
  • Content strategy
  • Advertising
  • Teaching
  • Translating
  • Voiceovers
  • Art direction
  • Music
  • General labor
  • Virtual assistance.

With the aforementioned services, it will be almost impossible for a registered user not to find his/her niche. There is an area of expertise  represented for every professional.

Upwork Gigs

After successfully creating an account on Upwork, the next thing a registered user does is search for gigs.

Due to the pressure they have mounted on themselves; they do not ask the right questions before applying for a gig; they go ahead to use and are thereby frustrated when they can’t deliver.

Whether you are a new freelancer or just new to the Upwork platform, getting your perfect Upwork gig can be somewhat cumbersome if you dont ask the right questions.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

But the good news is that despite the struggle, I became successful, and I can assure you that success is possible if you carefully read through the strategies laid out in this article and the right questions that will be asked here.

In addition, make sure that you are applying for gigs that are in your skill set and that you have enough experience to be qualified for them.

Also, stop asking yourself, ” Where are all the clients? I want to apply for gigs.” But instead, ask yourself the following before applying for gigs.

Questions To Ask Before Applying For Upwork Gig

  1. Is this my niche?
  2. What is the scope of work?
  3. What are the deliverables?
  4. How long will it take to complete the project?
  5. What is your budget for the project?
  6. Will I have access to any of your previous work?
  7. Can you provide me with a detailed timeline for this project and the milestones we should aim for?
  8. Do you have any questions for me about my qualifications or experience in this field that I can answer before we move forward with this process?



When I say niche, I mean your area of expertise.

This is an important question because if this gig is not one you are conversant with, you will struggle greatly and possibly churn out a bad job.

Even if it looks or sounds easy, be sure it’s a gig you understand and have a great wealth of experience before you apply.


What is the scope of the project?

When applying for a gig, it is essential to ask yourself if you will provide the scope of work to avoid miscommunications.

By asking this question, you are sure you are ready to work based on the instructions and deliver a good job to your client.

A SOW (scope of work) document serves as a guide for everything from work details, to schedules, terms, and expected outcomes.


Do I have deliverables?

This is a vital question because your deliverables are an important concept in a project’s planning, tracking, and execution.

They indicate the success of a project and the people who worked on it. Successful freelancer deliverables can attract future investors seeking to work with the business to develop products or services.

Your deliverables are there to prove your company is reliable.


 How much time will it take to complete the project?

This question is also very important because as a freelancer you should have a timeline for every gig you take. Ask yourself will this be time consuming?, Will it distrupt me from other activities and jobs? If the answer is yes, weigh your pros and cons and come to a decision that will be in favour of  you and the client.


What is your budget for this project?

Personally, I think  this is the most important question to ask yourself. If the budget isn’t right, then it is pernitent you think twice before you go ahead to apply. The budget should be commensurable with the gig in other to produce a good work.


Will I have access to any of your previous work?

This particular question is important to ask before applying. For instant, you are applying for a gig with a  new client and you really want to get it right so as to get him/her to call you back for another project. You will need to see a previous work to know what you are working with. In summary a previous will serve as guide to giving a satisfactory outcome.


 Can you provide me with a detailed timeline for this project and what are the milestones we should be aiming for?

A detailed timeline on a gig and major areas to cover will really help a freelancer produce a perfect job. In this vein, i believe this question should be on your list befoere applying.


Do you have any questions for me about my qualifications or experience in this field that I can answer before we move forward with this process?

This questions should be asked too before you qpply  for a gig. This is due to the fact that a new client will want to know more about your expertise. He/she may want to know more than what is on your profile. And you should be ready to give all the answers your client need.

In Conclusion

Upwork is a great place to earn a tangible amount of money  and create a meaningful professional network. You just have to know how to work the program and strategically pitch yourself to get the best outcome.

And asking the right questions before you apply for a gig will go a long way in making the gigs you get easy and enjoyable.

Please do not forget that the right questions will strategically pitch you,and your vital questions should always be;

1. Is this my niche?

2. What is the scope of work?

3.What are the deliverables?

4. How long will it take to complete the project?

5. What is your budget for the project?

6.Will I have access to any of your previous work?

7.Can you provide me with a detailed timeline for this project and what are the milestones we should be aiming for?

8.Do you have any questions for me about my qualifications or experience in this field that I can answer before we move forward with this process?


Shalom is an experienced freelancer and author who writes about her experiences and offers practical advice on the Busy Earner blog.


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