Are you a beginner freelance writer? But you don’t know the writing resources that can aid your work. You wonder what tools you can use to get some quality words rolling out while money is rolling in. Maybe you’ve been looking at the wrong places.

Using crucial resources can make it easier for you to handle freelance writing. Some resources we’ll discuss include tools, websites, services, and so on.

These resources will enhance your writing quality and give you an edge over your competition. Also, they’ll help create better opportunities for landing top clients.

Here are the top 5 freelance writing resources for beginners.

1. Writing Advice Websites

It takes more than your writing skills to succeed as a freelance writer. Working with your fellow writers and online communities can aid the growth of your freelancing business. Many websites, blogs, and online communities can help you find clients or pitch articles.

Some websites that provide writing advice include FlexJobs, The Write Life, and Problogger. They offer insight into how to write, publish and sell quality content. Also, you can get group support from social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

2. Editing/Writing Tools

Nothing gives you away as an amateur writer than committing grammar mistakes. Companies and individuals looking to hire freelance writers will always demand samples of your work. They won’t hire you if they see grammar mistakes in your writing.

Your grammar must be exceptional if you want to succeed as a freelance writer. But no one is perfect. You may make mistakes while writing unknowingly. And you’ll need to proofread and check every article for spelling and punctuation errors.

Doing these will take time and much effort. That’s why software like QuillBot, Grammarly, and ProWritingAid come in handy. These editing tools can correct grammar errors and suggest better sentences. They will save you time and make your writing more readable.

3. Organizational Tools

Managing your time and resources determines how far you can go as a freelance writer. Your success depends on how organized you are. You’ll get more job offers as you grow in your freelancing business. And it would be best if you stayed organized to keep yourself working.

This could be difficult to do. It takes a high level of discipline to stay productive and keep your projects organized. Using organizational tools can help you manage your schedule and projects. They will help you stay productive and meet up with deadlines.

And if a client adds you to any virtual workspaces, where you have to work with other team members on a project. You can use work management tools to stay up-to-date and monitor the project’s progress.

In addition, freelance writing involves lots of research. You’ll need cloud services like Evernote or Google Keep, where you can keep quality notes and keep them organized for easy future access. You never know when they can come in handy.

4. Online Writing Courses

As you progress in your freelancing career, you’ll realize that the more skills you have, the better. Not only in writing gigs but in other areas as well. Most times, clients are not only after your writing skills. They also want you to be skilled in other things, like SEO and digital marketing. Knowledge about SEO can improve your chances of getting more writing jobs.

Also, other types of writing are more lucrative. Having a skill in writing such as copywriting, product descriptions, and technical writing can improve your earning power as a freelancer. You should always work towards learning new things and improving your skills.

You can enroll in several affordable online courses to learn new writing skills. You can take courses on platforms such as Skillshare, Udemy, and Coursera. Also, YouTube has excellent collections of videos that can teach almost anything.

5. Content Management Tools

Clients will always want to see samples of your work to prove you can handle their jobs. That’s why you should have a website to showcase your portfolio to prospective clients. As a freelancer writer, your portfolio will be more effective than your resume.

Content management systems (CMS) are among the best freelance writing resources for beginners if you want to take your freelance business to a higher level. If you don’t have coding skills or money to hire a web developer, tools like WordPress and Wix allow you to create websites without coding knowledge.

These platforms have easy-to-use web templates and designs that make your portfolio appealing to prospects. Once you’ve created your website, you can promote it on social media platforms to attract more clients.

Starting as a freelance writer can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have the right resources to work with. You need to stay on top of every aspect of your freelancing business to succeed.

The writing resources mentioned in this post can significantly help your freelance writing career. They will aid in delivering top-quality jobs to your clients. This can open the door to more job opportunities and make you stay relevant and competitive.


I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.

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