It feels great to apply for high-paying jobs on Upwork and get picked for them. Such an experience boosts your confidence and motivates you to keep improving your trade.

However, landing a lucrative project on Upwork doesn’t just happen; neither would it be handed to you on a platter of gold.

Instead, you need to develop the art of writing convincing proposals every time.

As a newbie freelancer, how do you even begin to write a proposal to apply for a job on Upwork? You have to learn from the client’s requirements and some other freelancers’ proposal styles.

However, there are some crucial details you might have to learn on your own, as fellow freelancers would be reluctant to share.

Thankfully, I’m here to share that information, so you don’t have to waste your time and effort. This piece contains some great tips and tricks that would enable you to write high-yield Upwork proposals.

Tip #1: Answer the “Client” Questions

As you already know, every Upwork proposal – and indeed, every other written document – needs to have a purpose for which they exist.

In your case, your proposal needs to revolve around the client and their job requirements. Therefore, you need to provide answers to specific unwritten questions.

First, can you deliver on the job? This is the first crucial question for any freelancer writing an Upwork proposal.

Clients see their requests as unique, needing specific care and attention. But, on the other hand, you may not immediately see the distinction.

For instance, Editing and copywriting jobs seem very similar and interchangeable unless you pay closer attention.

You’d have to state in your proposal that you can deliver the job description exactly the way the client wanted.

Next, can you make the client’s workflow easier? It’s not enough to have the capacity to do the work, and it has to be done with as little fuss as possible.

Your proposal can have attachments showcasing your works and generally showing the client what it’s like to work with you.

Lastly, how do you intend to accomplish the task? Your proposal needs to state, in clear terms, how you intend to finish up on the job if the client gave you.

For example, you could list your objectives in bullet points but keep them brief.

Tip #2: Avoid Pre-Written Proposals At all Costs

You might be expecting me to tell you to use a template for your following Upwork proposal.

I’m here to tell you to avoid doing so whenever you can. (in fact, you can add it to our list of What you Should Not Do on Upwork.

Sure, templates can save you time and energy as you reuse them from client to client.

However, they’re not worth it, as you might lose high-paying clients once they discover that you’re using a hybrid format for your proposals.

My advice is: take out the extra few minutes to write a new proposal from scratch every time you want to apply for an Upwork job offer.

Clients would appreciate the organic tone in your bid, which can increase your chances of landing the job.

Tip #3: Show Off Some of Your Works

You will have to dedicate a paragraph or two in your proposal to showcase some of your past works. It tells the client that you’re serious about the tasks and that you’re the right person from the bunch.

This technique isn’t only for creatives like writers and web designers. Regardless of what you do on Upwork, you can create mini versions of what you do and your skills.

However, I must add that you only include enough samples that it doesn’t seem like you’re doing free work for the client. Trust me; you don’t want to do free work on Upwork.

Tip #4: Feel Free to Talk Beyond the Client’s Budget

Upwork clients appreciate a freelancer who’s confident in their craft.

What better way to show confidence than to negotiate a budget professionally?

Most clients have a budget for the job description they’ve requested, but at the end of the day, you’d have a better idea of how much the task would cost you to finish.

Therefore, you can venture beyond the rates the client offers – and you should, because it shows that you’re confident and would probably add more value to the project.

In addition, many freelancers have landed high-paying jobs by including this technique in their Upwork proposal.

Tip #5: Put the Best Foot Forward

One secret no one else is willing to tell you is that you need to capture your Client’s attention in your proposal as soon as possible – the first paragraph, if you can manage that.

The idea is that clients often have a lot to deal with and can only manage a limited attention span to the numerous proposals they get on a job request.

Therefore, the sooner you can capture that attention with your Upwork proposal, the higher your chances that they consider you for the job.

You’d want to get to the main point quickly, which is how you intend to solve the client’s needs on the job.

Such a move immediately tells the client you understand the situation and how to get things done.

Also, you’d want to set the right tone.

Use ice breakers in the opening paragraph, mention the client by name (most people feel more comfortable when you address them by name), and use any other device you think might make your proposal to impress the client immediately.

Wrapping Up

Some people hardly pay attached to the proposals they send out to clients.

To these people, it’s okay if they only get hired once in a while.

However, that’s not the winning mentality on Upwork (it certainly wouldn’t get you anything on our list of highest-paid skills on Upwork, that’s for sure)

It would be best if you prepared to make every proposal a winning one.

That gives you the advantage that even when you don’t win, you’ll be successful most of the time.

But, above, we’ve highlighted some uncommon tips that could help you get started on writing a proposal for any job offer you want on Upwork.


I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.

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