The long-term goal for any freelancer is financial stability. You’d like to have a significant bottom line at some point in your career, probably running into hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

What if I told you that you could also achieve that on Upwork? Upwork is one of the largest freelance platforms we have on the planet. It’s also one of the only places where you can find the opportunity to ditch your corporate job and make money on Upwork in large amounts as a freelancer.

I would know that for sure, as I’ve been on Upwork for nearly a decade.

During that time, I’ve made much more with my skill than I would have elsewhere, and I’ve met other freelancers who have made millions in the same duration.

There’s a wide-open chance to make as much for yourself, even if you’re opening an Upwork account just today.

However, you’d have to prepare and position yourself correctly: Upwork – and freelancing, in general – is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Even when you find an easy way to make money on Upwork, you’d still have to put in some effort.

How do you begin the process? Luckily, I’ll show you some tips to help you start making money on Upwork, even for those looking for Upwork jobs from home.

Work on Your Profile

The start of your freelancing journey is your profile.

I’m here to tell you that your Upwork profile significantly influences your earning potential, and it’s essential to treat it with professionalism.

Generally, Upwork expects that you fill out every detail in your Upwork profile.

The platform has a progress bar to show you how much you’ve included and would provide cues on how to finish up where necessary.

Since the profile will act as your digital resume, it’s best to fill it with essential professional details.

That includes multiple samples of your previous works and some of the case studies you’ve collected along the way.

Build Yourself a Landing Page

Service Landing Page

Did you know that some of the most effective ways to make money on Upwork aren’t on the platform itself? A landing page lets you showcase more of your skills to clients and can be a massive opportunity for you.

Many freelancers make the mistake of limiting their portfolio to their Upwork profiles alone.

For one thing, I wouldn’t recommend that you post all your previous works on your profile, as clients may not have the time to go through them.

But, on the other hand, you may not be able to include as many as it would take to get the job.

The solution? Have a landing page where you can save all your previous works and organize them more elaborately.

Then, you can always direct any interested customer to the site to view more of your skills and applications.

Such an approach makes you look more professional on the platform, and that would give you an edge over the competition in your niche.

Consistently Apply for New Jobs

As an Upwork freelancer – especially a new one looking for how to make money on Upwork with no experience – you must understand that jobs aren’t going to be handed to you unless you work for them.

If you want to earn big from the platform, you must apply for new jobs regularly.

If you’re starting newly, I recommend putting in two to three applications daily. That’s one way you can immediately get the best Upwork jobs for beginners.

That should continue until you’ve got enough clients on your hands that you can conveniently handle.

Afterward, you can reduce the frequency, but don’t stop applying at any point.

Doing this improves your chances of getting a high-paying job and keeping them.

What’s more, as you keep sending proposals out for jobs, you get better at writing them to fit each client’s requirements.

Don’t be Preferential in your Application

Sequel to sending out applications regularly on Upwork, you must avoid being picky about the offers you want.

I’ve seen many rookie freelancers do this, and I can tell you that they’re only delaying their significant breaks.

You could miss out on a potentially lucrative job because its requirements don’t fit your preferences.

Remember that “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”, and it’s in your best interest to apply for any job that matches your skill level.

I understand that you might prefer certain specifications on a job, but if it’s something you can do anyway, I suggest you apply for it nonetheless.

Have your Goals Set Out

Long-term and short-term goals are necessary if you intend to run a lucrative career on Upwork.

It’s essential to take out the time to figure out how you can scale your earning potential and find new ways to make money on Upwork.

You can start a simple plan by positioning yourself for more advanced jobs as you apply.

One way to build an excellent plan for yourself on Upwork is by focusing on ongoing tasks.

While working on Upwork, I’ve discovered that you have a higher chance of raising your rates when engaged with their work.

You can increase your rates at such a time when it’s evident that you have improved in your output.

Also, you may have to consider long-term projects, as they have the potential to help your Upwork Success Score.

make money on Upwork

These scores are essential, as they allow you to get more jobs and attract bigger deals from clients in the future.

Dedicate some time to applying for longer-duration tasks wherever you might find them.

Wrapping Up

Making money on Upwork isn’t a cakewalk.

However, I can tell you it’s straightforward once you get the hang of it. I must also note that you should avoid thinking you’ll make much money without effort.

Some methods and strategies can help you along the way and are especially useful if you’re starting.

Not to worry, I’ve highlighted the five above and explained how you could use them to improve yourself on Upwork in no time.


I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.

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