The professional overview for the Upwork profile is an area freelancers don’t pay attention to. 

But they fail to understand that a well-crafted professional overview can change your game on Upwork. 

On several occasions, Upwork clients have sent me offers (hourly rate) without even interviewing me. 

And whenever I asked them what gave them so much confidence in me, they would say “Paul, your professional overview did the marketing for you.”

In the past few months, I wrote articles on several topics, including proposals and how to scale as an Upwork freelancer

However, I am yet to talk about your professional overview. And how it can attract some really high paying clients to you. 

But here’s the deal – I didn’t know how to write a professional overview overnight. 

Guys! It took me several years of trial and error before I finally realized what clients were looking for. 

Let me give you a quick task. 

Go through the professional overview of some of the biggest freelancers in your niche. 

What do you notice?

They don’t talk about themselves and experience. 

They don’t mention how many clients they have helped. And how successful they are as a web developer, content writer, copywriter, blah blah blah… 

Do you know why?

No client gives a damn about you and your history. 

All they want is the reassurance that you understand what gives them sleepiness nights and can help them fix it. 

Wait! Don’t tell me you are widening your mouth already. LOL. 

Close it, otherwise, flies will perch inside. 

Okay! Enough of all the side talk already. This article contains a couple of samples for a professional overview for Upwork profile. 

Study them carefully. Take note of what you are missing. And see how you can improve your profile and start printing dollars from Upwork. 

Yeah, I know you like that. 

Samples of Professional Overview for Upwork Profile

#1. Professional Overview for Upwork Freelance Web Developer 

You may be wondering why I started with Web developer. Well, that’s what I do on Upwork. 

So, if you are a web designer who isn’t getting clients on Upwork, you should pay attention to the next few paragraphs. 

You can write a professional overview like this –

“The biggest mistakes business owners like you make when developing their website is that they focus more on its aesthetics rather than users’ experience. 

They include a whole lot of unnecessary features and functionality on the website. And this could affect the optimization, speed, performance, and technical SEO of the website. 

Before you know it, the whole essence of designing the website in the first place will become counter-productive. 

I’m a professional web developer with over a decade of experience. When you approach me with your website design project. 

I take my time to study your niche, 

and understand your audience persona. 

Do extensive research to know what some of your biggest competitors are doing. 

After which I will come up with a super easy to navigate, well-optimised, and user friendly website with an average of 3 seconds speed. 

You are smiling already?

But that is not the end. If you want, I can provide 24/7 support for your website. That means, there will be no downtime for you. 

I understand that in the 21st century the window through which your potential clients see your business is via your website.

So, I always go the extra mile to design a unique website that will give a great impression about your business. 

If you think your existing website is not well optimized. Or it takes a whole lot of time to load the page. 

Don’t worry I got you covered.

All you have to do is to send me a message at no extra cost.”

#2. Professional Overview for Graphic Design

If you are a Graphic Designer on Upwork and haven’t been getting jobs on the platform, you should try this sample. 

Well, I ain’t telling you to copy it word for word. But you can mirror it for your profile description. 

It’s one of the best samples of professional overview for Upwork profiles. And any client who reads this description will be under your spell immediately. 

Check it out; 

“It takes more than just skills to come up with exceptional artistics or decorative effects. 

It takes exceptional creativity and unique perception to use art and technology to communicate and demystify complex ideas using design elements. 

I will help you create a visual concept for your ideas and use different design elements to communicate these ideas in a way that inspires, informs, and captivates your audience.

Whether you are looking for a book cover design or brand specialist, we are here to help you. 

For every graphic gig we handle for you, we give your clients a new and better way to see your business. 

If you want to feel a touch of creativity in your brand or newly published book, send me a message and let’s discuss your project.” 

#3. Professional Upwork Overview for SEO Experts 

SEO experts are some of the frequently hired professionals on Upwork. Their services are in high demand. 

But it sometimes baffles me when an SEO freelancer tells me that they aren’t getting a job. 

Either you are sending generic proposals for every job or your professional overview for Upwork is not well written.

In any case, here is a Professional Upwork Overview sample for SEO experts; 

“Get the results you need with an SEO specialist that has seen it all. I have more than 10 years of experience in the search engine optimization world.

You’re likely looking for an SEO expert because of one or more of the following reasons:

⦿ Your website isn’t being found in the search engines.

⦿ And Your website traffic has declined recently and you don’t know why.

⦿ Suddenly, your volume of incoming calls and leads has declined.

⦿ You’re starting a new website and want to ramp up a new business quickly.

If any of these four pain points ring a bell, rest assured, you’ve discovered the right SEO veteran. There’s a reason why I’m top rated plus and have helped over one hundred clients, providing search engine optimization solutions to answer Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

For more than 10 years, I’ve been providing SEO solutions for businesses wanting to expand their online presence, increase leads, and grow their revenue.

I offer the following services:

♕ Technical SEO Audit 

♕ Keyword Research & Strategy 

⦿ Keyword Funneling

⦿ We also offer Keyword Research and keyword mapping. 

♕ Local SEO

♕ On-page SEO

♕ and Off-page SEO

Do you think we are a right fit? Send a message, let’s talk.” 

#4. Professional Overview For Upwork Content Writers 

You have failed as a content writer if you can’t use your professional overview for Upwork to hypnotize your client. 

Damn it! What exactly can you do if you can’t convince a potential client to hire you on the spot without interviewing you?


Learn the art of hypnotizing your content writing clients with this professional overview; 

“The biggest mistakes people make when writing SEO content is to focus more on what search engines need and forget user experience.

But what they fail to understand is that a good SEO article is both human and search engine friendly.

That is why whenever you write SEO articles, you use more transition words, short sentences, avoid using the same word to start sentences three times consecutively, and don’t under-optimize or over-optimize your keywords.

My point? Writing an SEO article is both an art and a science.

And if you hire for your project, I will consistently write high quality SEO articles that will not only rank high on search engine result pages, but also engage your audience.

For every project I write on, I take my time to understand the requirements so as to deliver an exceptional job that exceeds my clients’ expectations. 

If you think we are a good fit, send me a message.

Talk to you soon.”


Your Professional Overview for Upwork profile is a great way to impress potential clients.

From the few samples in this article, you should be able to write something unique for your profile. 

Try not to copy these samples word for word. Adapt them to your own situation and try to make them really resonating. 

If you find this article helpful and amazing don’t forget to share it with your friends. Who knows, you may be helping someone in need. 



I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.


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