Do you have a new account on Upwork? As you finish setting up your profile, you’ll receive the Upwork readiness test, but you need the answers. It’s a proficiency test to determine how well you can thrive on the platform as a freelancer. 

Like any other quiz, you’re expected to work out the correct answers to a typical Upwork readiness test without aid. While that’s what the Terms of service say, it doesn’t mean you can’t cheat a little by browsing the internet.

That’s why I’ll give you answers to some of the questions you’d get on the readiness test Upwork 2022. Along the line, I’ll also show you the importance and significance of the test itself so that you have enough context and understanding to ace the quiz.

The Importance of Upwork Readiness Tests

While it might seem routine, Upwork readiness tests hold more importance than you think. Think about it: if the test were not so relevant, why would the platform go out of its way to tell you not to cheat in your Upwork readiness test answer?

That’s because Upwork uses the test to educate you on its operations and how you can successfully make a living on the platform. Generally, some of the questions in a readiness test come from topics like how to protect payments, get jobs and improve success scores on projects. New freelancers overlook these crucial details, only to seek help when they encounter an avoidable problem later on.

Upwork implemented the readiness test to ensure that the average freelancer opening an account thoroughly understands what they’re getting into from that point onwards. 

Test Structure

Once you’ve fully grasped the importance of the readiness test, it’s important how it’s organized for participants. 

To start with, the questions are randomized to keep freelancers on their toes. It also makes the test unique and unpredictable that way. Furthermore, Upwork allows only 2 minutes for each question in which you must provide an answer. As a result, knowing the answers beforehand is best, as you could run out of time while looking for cheats.

With that in mind, I will show you some of the actual questions you’d find on the readiness test. I’ll also provide the approved Upwork readiness test answer to each question as you go through them below:

Question 1: What’s your Knowledge on Upwork’s Invite Only Jobs?

One of the questions you’re likely to get on Upwork’s readiness test would revolve around invite-only jobs on the platform. As you might already know, applying for jobs on Upwork requires you to spend some Connects (Upwork’s quasi-currency). However, there are cases where the clients invite the freelancer for the job offer and not the other way around.

Invite-only jobs are a goal for any Upwork freelancer worth their salt. That’s because they let you save on your connect. What’s more, getting invited for jobs means you’re popular and professional at what you do. 

Upwork would like to know how much you know about invite only jobs, so the question would go thus:

Question: Many jobs on Upwork are posted privately as invite-only jobs (these jobs don’t require Connects). A strong profile can help you receive more invitations and win more work. Which items help you create a 100% complete profile? (Please check all that apply.)

Correct Answers: 

  • A professional-looking profile photo of yourself
  • A portfolio of work
  • A title, overview, and employment history
  • A list of your top skills

You don’t need to have them in order, just ensure you have them all ticked. 

Question 2: What’s your Knowledge on Effective Proposals?

Most freelancers – especially those starting afresh – would like to know what it takes to write a great proposal. Luckily, Upwork has a lot of resources to help you out on that, and they’d like to know if you’ve educated yourself with those materials.

The typical question you’re going to get is:

Question: Your proposal is often your first interaction with a potential client. It’s your opportunity to introduce yourself, highlight your expertise, and show the client why you’re the best professional for the job. What are the best practices for submitting a winning proposal through Upwork? (Please check all that apply.)

Correct Answers:

  • Write a personal and professional greeting.
  • Outline how you would approach and complete the job
  • Describe your relevant experience in key areas listed in the job post – demonstrate you’ve read it
  • Respond to any screening questions listed in the job post

Again, these answers aren’t in order, so you can just select as you see them. 

Question 3: How Well Do You Know Upwork’s Rating System

You must understand that Upwork has a ratings system for its numerous freelancers. This is to foster healthy competition and development in the various niches that are available. However, most new entrants aren’t familiar with the methods needed to become top-rated on the platform. 

Upwork has several helpful tips on how you can level up to become a top-rated member, and would test you on them in your readiness quiz. The question looks like this:

Question: Upwork’s Top Rated program recognizes freelancers that have a proven history of success with multiple clients, contribute to a safe marketplace and follow Upwork’s Terms of Service. Which are requirements to achieve Top Rated freelancer status on Upwork? (Please check all that apply.)

Correct Answers:

  • Job Success score of 90%+
  • 100% complete profile
  • Up-to-date availability status
  • No recent account holds
  • $1,000 earnings in the past year

Wrapping Up on Upwork Readiness Test Answer To Improve Your Profile Like A Pro

The Upwork’s readiness test is essential to starting your career on the platform. It’s in place to ensure that you’re prepared for the rules, regulations, and experience that define Upwork so that you can improve your earning chances.

I’ve discussed some key topic areas where you’re likely to get tested if you’re taking the test. You’d also find an Upwork readiness test answer for each in case you need to ace the test quickly. 

However, I must mention that you take care not to forget the entire reason for the test. It’s to point you to resource materials that would help your Upwork skill development. Even when you can get a quick fix for the readiness test, you must also take the time to read the guides available to you on the platform.


Shalom is an experienced freelancer and author who writes about her experiences and offers practical advice on the Busy Earner blog.


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