I’m here to answer these questions and show you how you can write an excellent Upwork profile overview sample for web developer in no time.

These days, you can sell your skills anywhere on the internet. So if there’s one platform that lets you showcase those skills in the best way possible, it’s got to be Upwork.

So you can put your best foot forward and get clients to hire you quickly on the platform.

As a web developer, setting up your Upwork profile shouldn’t be a hassle, but for many freelance developers, there are niggling issues. I hear folks ask, “what skill/experience do I include in the overview?” “How long should the entire overview be?”

I’m here to answer these questions and show you how you can write an excellent Upwork profile overview for web developer accounts in no time.

Also, I’ll show you an accurate Upwork profile overview sample to back up the tips. Let’s get started:

Your Upwork Profile Overview: What to Include?

Upwork freelancers need to set up their profile overview. It’s like a summary of what a client can expect from you upon hiring you. If you’re a web developer, I understand that your main issue might be the details to include in the document.

Below are some of the points you can start with for a better chance of convincing readers:

Problem-Solving Skill

First, discussing your problem-solving abilities in the early paragraphs of your overview is best. Many clients need to know that you’d treat any project given to you with efficiency, accuracy, and range.

These are more important than the actual scripting and authoring language skills you might have.

Remember: a web developer may know all about HTML and JavaScript but doesn’t deliver to spec.

You don’t want to be that person. Even if you wish to set up your Upwork bio with no prior experience, let the client know that you’re willing to solve their pressing issues.

Educational Qualifications

You’d also be helping yourself by mentioning notable points in your educational journey.

Any prospective client reading your profile overview will positively consider your educational degrees, especially when they’re closely related to web development.

For instance, mentioning that you got a degree in Computer science or engineering greatly improves your chances of getting hired.

However, I must note that a typical Upwork Profile Overview for web developer accounts isn’t a CV.

Hence, it’s best not to get into a long story of your entire education history. Brevity is key here.

Summary on Technical Skills and Experience

You’re a web developer, so it follows that you talk about your technical experiences and skills on the job.

Typically, you can attach your samples and other similar works in your portfolio, but it helps when you summarize all that in your profile overview.

If it’s possible, mention the longest-running project you completed.

Clients love such details, as it seems to tell them you’re a team player with a long-term focus.

So don’t forget to keep things brief and concise to improve the chances of people reading your overview till the end.

Upwork Profile Overview Sample for Web Developer Gigs

We’ve talked about the components of a great profile overview for web developer accounts, but how do they come together into a comprehensive document?

I’ll show you two sample for your consideration. Check them out below:

Hello there! Before getting into my qualifications and professional prowess, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Daley Maguire, from the United States. For me, pursuing web development as a profession not only gratifies me financially, but also fulfils me. That’s because it’s been my passion since my early teenage.

I’m positive that people should pursue things they’re passionate about or good at. That’s why I chose freelance web development as a career path. I’m confident that I’m great at this, and I don’t shy away from the hard work and learning involved.

I completed my undergraduate degree from the Cornell University on Computer Science Engineering. Coupled with that, I’ve acquired several certifications on modern web designing, both online and offline. Incidentally, my education background has given me the space and range for me to thrive in this career.

Currently, I’ve got expert experience in Swift & Objective C languages. Also, I’ve learned and used Kotlin and Java for iPhone, iPod, Android and Tablet. With these languages, I’ve developed numerous websites with focus on search engine optimization and more intuitive web user interfaces.

Recently, I completed a website design that assists its users in utilizing their free time. As it happened, the website has become very popular among students globally. What’s more, the accompanying mobile app for the website – also created by me – has a 4.4 rating on Google play store.

This is just one of my many success stories throughout my years as a freelance web developer. I’m sure that if you’d hire me, I can positively impact your project with efficiency and positivity.

Sample #2

Hello, this is Daley Maguire. I’m a professional back-end web developer who’s been working in the field for 7 long years.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Software Design & Analysis from the University of Wisconsin and a paid coursework in graphic design on Coursera.

Over seven years, I’ve gained a lot of popularity by creating many famous websites. Recently, some of my web creations got so much engagements and responses from the clients. You’d find attached some of the related links and resources.

All that work is due to my solid knowledge in programming and graphic designing. But that’s not all: my works also integrates graphics, video, and audio for a richer and more interactive web experience for the viewers. I am also skilful in problem solving techniques and familiar with computer languages like PHP, CSS, Python, XML, HTML, HTML5, SQL, JavaScript. Publishing tools like Flash and Photoshop are also right up my alley.

Besides, my websites are SEO friendly and always meeting user expectations. Again, I keep myself up to date with new methods, technologies and how to use them; new tools and programming languages, so that I can give my best works to my clients. I believe in quick thinking, hard work. Hiring me will justify your good judgment. Thank you.

You might notice that both sample overviews are engaging and attractive to read. The freelancers structured their paragraphs in such a way that fully expresses their strengths. Also, their use of transition words means that each sentence and paragraph are closely linked, and doesn’t beat around the bush. When you write your profile overview like this, you’re going to get hired in no time at all.

You can take these samples as a good Upwork profile sample for beginners, as well as intermediate and expert developers.

Bottom Line on Upwork Profile Overview Sample for Web Developer

Upwork is a great freelance platform that aims to give you the exposure necessary for your web development career.

However, you still have to play your part by setting up an Upwork profile overview for web developer clients to see.

How can you make it count?

I’ve highlighted the top points you must include in the summary and added two samples for you to get the idea.

Feel free to try these tips out today, whether using an Upwork bio generator or just trying to revamp your profile overview page.


I specialize in building, managing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and optimizing WordPress Web Design/ or Elementor Pro and WooCommerce powered websites.


  1. Avatar

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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